The classification of CNC lathes

The shape of the CNC lathe is similar to that of the ordinary lathe, that is, it is composed of a bed, a headstock, a tool rest, a pressure system for the feed system, a cooling and lubrication system and other parts. There is a qualitative difference between the feed system of CNC lathe and the ordinary lathe. The traditional ordinary lathe has the feed box and the exchange gear frame, while the CNC lathe directly uses the servo motor to drive the slide plate and the tool rest through the ball screw to realize the feed movement, so the structure of the feed system is greatly simplified. Generally, it can automatically complete the processing of cylindrical surface, conical surface, spherical surface and thread, and can also process some complex rotary surface, such as hyperboloid, etc. 

Here is a brief introduction to the types of CNC lathes:

Ⅰ. According to the lathe spindle position classification:

(1) vertical CNC lathe vertical CNC lathe referred to as CNC vertical lathe, the lathe spindle is perpendicular to the horizontal plane, a large diameter circular table, used to clamp the workpiece. This kind of machine tool is mainly used to process large complex parts with large radial size and relatively small axial size.

(2) horizontal CNC lathe horizontal CNC lathe is divided into CNC horizontal guide lathe and CNC inclined guide horizontal lathe. Its incline rail structure can make the lathe more rigid and easy to remove chips.

. According to the type of processed parts are classified:

(1) Chuck type CNC lathe this kind of lathe has no tail seat, suitable for turning disk (including short shaft) parts. Clamping mode for electric or hydraulic control, chuck structure with adjustable jaws or not quenched jaws (namely soft jaws).

(2) top CNC lathes this kind of lathes are equipped with ordinary tailstock or CNC tailstock, suitable for turning longer parts and disk parts whose diameter is not too large.

Ⅲ. According to the number of tool rest classification:

(1) single tool frame CNC lathes CNC lathes are generally configured with various forms of single tool frame, such as four-station horizontal transposition tool rest or multi-station turret type automatic transposition tool rest.

(2) double tool frame CNC lathe this kind of lathe double tool frame configuration parallel distribution, can also be mutually vertical distribution.

Ⅳ. According to the function of the classification:

(1) economic CNC lathe using stepper motor and single chip microcomputer to transform the feed system of the ordinary lathe simple CNC lathe, the cost is low, but the degree of automation and function are relatively poor, turning processing accuracy is not high, suitable for the turning of the rotary parts of the requirements are not high.

(2) ordinary CNC lathe according to the turning processing requirements in the structure of the special design and equipped with a general CNC system and the formation of CNC lathe, CNC system function is strong, the degree of automation and processing accuracy is also relatively high, suitable for general rotary parts turning processing.

(3) Turning machining center on the basis of ordinary CNC lathe, added a power head, more advanced CNC lathe with a knife library, can control the three axes. Due to the increase of milling power head, the processing function of this CNC lathe is greatly enhanced, in addition to the general turning can be carried out in radial and axial milling, curved surface milling, the center line is not part of the rotary center of the hole and radial hole drilling processing.

Ⅴ. Other classification methods

According to the different control methods of the CNC system and other indicators, CNC lathes can be divided into many kinds, such as linear control CNC lathes, two spindle control CNC lathes, etc.. According to the special or special process performance can be divided into thread CNC lathe, piston CNC lathe, crankshaft CNC lathe and other kinds of.


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